Personal Devotion: Suffering Redeemed

There will be no more tears, pain, or sickness

a woman wearing black clothes with tears from her eyes

It is so amazing to be reminded that in spite of all the hardships we are facing here in earth, it is NOTHING compare to what God has prepared for us in Heaven, an everlasting life with Him. God bless you all and Happy Sunday.

Suffering rarely makes sense. We rarely have all of our questions answered within these sorts of seasons. And the hard truth is: most of our questions regarding suffering will go unanswered.

Look around and you’ll quickly identify suffering, grief, and injustice. Maybe you’ve experienced injustice yourself. Maybe you’ve gone through difficult seasons. Or maybe you’ve experienced deep and profound grief due to loss.

However, Romans 8:18 provides us with a perspective that can help us in seasons of suffering:

In this verse, Paul, the author of Romans, points us to the future. All throughout Scripture, God has been working within His people to bring redemption and make things new.

We live in one reality, which includes suffering and grief. But one day, God will return and complete the work He has begun in Jesus. When God returns, Scripture says that all suffering will cease. At that time, when we join God in heaven, we will be perfected and made whole.

Paul’s encouragement to us is this: persevere through your current season of suffering because what awaits you will be worth waiting for. When God returns and brings us into His presence, we will be perfect and made whole. At that time, we won’t think of the past suffering that we’ve endured. This is why Paul says that our present suffering cannot compare to what will be revealed in us in the future.

Have a great and blessed day everyone. 

Click the link for more of my Personal Devotion.

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