Time: Who Do I Spend it Most?

With the privilege of working from home? I spend most of my time with my Wife and Daughter. In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, finding quality time to spend with loved ones can often feel like an elusive dream. However, the fortunate ones (like me) who have the privilege of working from... Continue Reading →

Important Things Needed to Live a Good Life?

Have you ever wondered what are those things? As a loving father and husband, there are several important things that can contribute to living a good life. Here are some key aspects that I always consider: Love and Connection: Cultivate love and deep connections with your spouse and children. Show affection, express your emotions, and... Continue Reading →

Human Tagline: What Would Yours Be?

"Forever in Love, Forever by Your Side" A human tagline that I would choose as it captures the essence of a loving father and husband in a beautiful and heartfelt way. It emphasizes the eternal bond of love and commitment between a father, husband, and his family. What does those taglines means? "Forever in Love".... Continue Reading →

“LIFE” : One Luxury We Can’t Live Without?

In the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment, we often find ourselves longing for luxurious possessions, exotic vacations, and material comforts. However, amidst the chaos and demands of life, it's easy to overlook the most invaluable luxury of all — “LIFE” itself. Life, with all its ups and downs, joys and sorrows, is a treasure beyond... Continue Reading →

Power of Family Time During Dinner

Nurturing Strong Bonds and Empowering Children About to have dinner with my wife and daughter and a thought sinked in, what is the importance of having a family dinner together? In today's fast-paced world, where everyone seems to be constantly busy and connected to their digital devices, carving out quality family time has become more... Continue Reading →

Father’s Best Moment: Witnessing His Family’s Happiness

Father's Best Moment: Parenting is an adventure brimming with numerous unforgettable experiences, spanning from the initial milestones to the heart-touching expressions of affection. However, among the multitude of precious experiences, there's one moment that stands above the rest for many fathers—the sight of their family brimming with happiness. In these moments, a father's heart brims... Continue Reading →

What will My Retirement Look Like?

A Journey to Financial Freedom and Fulfillment The Ideal Retirement Plan Retirement marks a new chapter in our lives, a time to bid farewell to the demands of the daily grind and embrace a newfound freedom. It's a period when we have the opportunity to pursue our passions, spend quality time with loved ones, and... Continue Reading →

My Favorite Thing About Myself

Hardworking and Loving Father and Husband In the journey of life, we often come across defining moments that shape our identities. For me, the most cherished aspect of my being is the role as a hardworking and loving father and husband. As I reflect on the countless joys and challenges that accompany these roles, I... Continue Reading →

Growth and Development of a Child in Bed

What Activities and Benefits? As parents, we strive to create meaningful connections with our children and provide them with a strong foundation for their growth and development. While parenting duties are often shared between mothers and fathers, there is a unique and invaluable role that fathers can play in their child's life. One such opportunity... Continue Reading →

Childhood Crush at an Early Age

Write about your first crush? Seriously? This is the topic for today? As far as I can remember, I had my first childhood crush when I was in grade school. She was a classmate of mine and the younger sister of my friend. I had that spine shivering feeling every time I see her in... Continue Reading →

How Do I Use Most of My Time?

Balancing Work, Family, and Rest A Father's Journey in the Digital Age In today's fast-paced digital age, finding the right balance between work, family, and personal time can be a challenging task. As a father and husband who is working from home, I have discovered some valuable insights and reminders that have helped me navigate... Continue Reading →

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