What Makes a Teacher Great?

The Mark of a Great Teacher

Fairness, Honesty, Passion, and Knowledge

My Mom used to be a Teacher, so I know all the hard work she did for her students. For me, it would be about being FAIR, HONEST, PASSION and KNOWLEDGE.

a great woman teacher wearing an eye glass and white long sleeves holding a brown notebook

As Teachers hold a significant role in shaping the minds and futures of their students. A great teacher goes beyond simply imparting knowledge; they become mentors, guides, and inspirations. They possess a unique combination of qualities that create a transformative learning experience. Let us discuss the essential traits that make a teacher truly great: fairness, honesty, liveliness, knowledge, and a passion for their craft.


A great teacher treats every student with fairness, respect, and equity. They understand that each student has their own unique strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. They create an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and has an equal opportunity to learn and grow. Fairness also involves providing constructive feedback, acknowledging effort, and addressing individual needs. By fostering a fair classroom, teachers encourage a sense of belonging and promote positive relationships among students.


Honesty is the cornerstone of trust between teachers and students. Great teachers demonstrate honesty by setting clear expectations, providing accurate information, and admitting when they don’t know the answer. They are open about their own mistakes and use them as teaching moments. Honesty also extends to giving feedback that is constructive and meaningful, helping students identify areas of improvement while recognizing their strengths. By being honest, teachers create an environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and taking intellectual risks.


A great teacher has the ability to bring learning to life. They possess a natural enthusiasm and energy that is infectious. By incorporating engaging teaching methods, such as interactive discussions, hands-on activities, multimedia presentations, and real-life examples, they capture students’ attention and make the learning process enjoyable. Liveliness in the classroom fosters curiosity, ignites a love for learning, and encourages active participation from students.


Great teachers have a deep understanding and expertise in the subjects they teach. They continuously update their knowledge, staying current with the latest research and advancements in their field. A strong foundation of knowledge allows teachers to effectively guide students through complex concepts, answer questions, and provide meaningful explanations. Moreover, their expertise enables them to make connections between different topics, helping students grasp the bigger picture and develop critical thinking skills.

Passion and Love for Teaching:

Passion and love for teaching are perhaps the most remarkable qualities of a great teacher. When teachers are passionate about their subjects and genuinely love what they do, it translates into their teaching. They inspire and motivate students to become lifelong learners. Passionate teachers go the extra mile, dedicating time and effort to create innovative lesson plans, seek professional development opportunities, and connect with students on a personal level. Their enthusiasm is contagious, kindling a desire for knowledge and success in their students.

A great teacher encompasses a unique blend of fairness, honesty, liveliness, knowledge, and passion for teaching. They create an environment where students feel respected, valued, and excited to learn. These exceptional educators go beyond their job description, making a lasting impact on their students’ lives. As we reflect on our own educational experiences, let us appreciate and celebrate the remarkable teachers who have left an indelible mark on us, inspiring us to pursue our dreams and reach our fullest potential.

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14 thoughts on “What Makes a Teacher Great?

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  1. That is the perfect description of the perfect teacher. While noone is truly perfect, a close likeness is possible. Your mom sounds splendid. My favorite teacher growing up, my fifth grade teacher, Mrs Hammons, was also a Baptist Sunday School teacher and didn’t hide it.

  2. That is the perfect description of the perfect teacher. While noone is truly perfect, a close likeness is possible. Your mom sounds splendid. My favorite teacher growing up, my fifth grade teacher, Mrs Hammons, was also a Baptist Sunday School teacher and didn’t hide it.

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