What Do I Think Gets Better With Age?

Wisdom, Relationships, Expertise and Skill

a woman looking serious with hand figures resembling wisdom, relationship, expertise and skills

They say that time heals all wounds. But, it also has a way of transforming certain things into treasures of extraordinary value. Just like fine wine, there are aspects of life that seem to improve and flourish as the years go by. Whether it’s a skill, a relationship or a personal journey, the notion that some things get better with age is both intriguing and inspiring. We will explore the beauty of this phenomenon and why certain elements of life truly age like fine wine.


One of the most significant gifts that age bestows upon us is wisdom. As we accumulate experiences, face challenges and learn from our mistakes, we gradually develop a deeper understanding of ourselves. Wisdom allows us to make better decisions, navigate complex situations with ease, and find solace in the face of adversity. It is an intangible quality that only time can foster the valuable lessons it brings.


Just like a well-tended garden, relationships have the potential to blossom and grow more meaningful over time. As we invest our energy and love into nurturing connections with others, we create a strong foundation that can weather the storms of life. Shared experiences, memories, and the bonds forged through hardships can strengthen relationships and deepen the understanding and compassion between individuals. Long-standing friendships and enduring partnerships are a testament to the fact that human connections can indeed get better with age.

Expertise and Skill:

Practice makes perfect, they say, and this adage holds true for the acquisition of expertise and skill. Whether it’s playing a musical instrument or mastering a sport, time and dedication play pivotal roles in honing one’s abilities. As we dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of excellence, our expertise becomes refined, skills become sharper and our confidence soars. The journey of mastery is a lifelong one, and each passing year brings us closer to reaching our full potential.

Self-Awareness and Emotional Resilience


Self-discovery is a voyage that spans a lifetime, and it is during this journey that we uncover the depths of who we truly are. With age, we become more attuned to our desires, values, strengths, and weaknesses. This heightened self-awareness allows us to make choices that align with our authentic selves and pursue a life of purpose. As we grow older, we shed societal expectations and embrace our unique identities. Relishing the liberation that comes with embracing our true selves.

Emotional Resilience:

Life is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. And with age, we develop emotional resilience that helps us weather the ups and downs. As we encounter adversity, heartbreak, and disappointment, we become more adept at navigating the stormy seas of emotions. With the passage of time, we learn to find strength in vulnerability, seek support when needed and cultivate a sense of inner peace that withstands the trials of life. Emotional resilience is a beautiful byproduct of aging, one that empowers us to face life’s challenges with grace and fortitude.

While the passage of time may bring physical changes and the occasional ache, it also enriches us in immeasurable ways. The wisdom gained, the deepening of relationships, the honing of skills, the self-discovery, and the emotional resilience that come with age all contribute to the extraordinary phenomenon of things getting better with time. Embrace the journey, savor the process, and trust that, just like a fine wine, the best things in life often mature and improve with age.

Have a great and blessed day everyone. 

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